ChaPteR 4️⃣ Operators in Java Language

Chapter 4️⃣ Operators in Java Language


Operators in Java are special symbols that perform specific operations on one, two, or three operands and then return a result. Understanding these operators is crucial for writing efficient and effective Java code.

 In this chapter, we will delve into the different types of operators available in Java, including arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, bitwise, conditional, and the `instanceof` operator.

Operators in Java Language

 4.1 Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus. 
They work with both integer and floating-point data types.

- Addition (+):

Adds two operands.
  int a = 5 + 3; // a = 8

- Subtraction (-):

Subtracts the second operand from the first.
  int b = 5 - 3; // b = 2

- Multiplication (*):

 Multiplies two operands.
  int c = 5 * 3; // c = 15

- Division (/):

Divides the first operand by the second. Be mindful of division by zero.
  int d = 10 / 2; // d = 5

- Modulus (%):

 Returns the remainder after dividing the first operand by the second.
  int e = 10 % 3; // e = 1

 4.2 Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. The most basic is the `=` operator, but there are also compound assignment operators that combine an arithmetic operation with assignment.

- Simple Assignment (=):

Assigns the right-hand operand to the left-hand operand.
  int f = 5;

- Compound Assignments (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=): 

Perform an operation and then assign the result to the left-hand operand.
  f += 3; // f = f + 3; f = 8
 4.3 Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values. They return a boolean result (`true` or `false`).

- Equal to (==):

Checks if two values are equal.
  boolean result = (5 == 5); // true

- Not equal to (!=): 

Checks if two values are not equal.
  boolean result = (5 != 3); // true

- Greater than (>):

Checks if the left-hand value is greater than the right-hand value.
  boolean result = (5 > 3); // true

- Less than (<):

 Checks if the left-hand value is less than the right-hand value.
  boolean result = (3 < 5); // true

- Greater than or equal to (>=):

Checks if the left-hand value is greater than or equal to the right-hand value.
  boolean result = (5 >= 5); // true

- Less than or equal to (<=):

Checks if the left-hand value is less than or equal to the right-hand value.
  boolean result = (3 <= 5); // true

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2.  Chapter  2️⃣ 👍

4.4 Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine multiple boolean expressions and return a boolean result.

- AND (&&):

 Returns true if both operands are true.
  boolean result = (true && false); // false


- OR (||):

 Returns true if at least one of the operands is true.
  boolean result = (true || false); // true

- NOT (!):

 Returns true if the operand is false.
  boolean result = (!true); // false

4.5 Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are used to perform bit-level operations on integer types.

- AND (&):

 Performs a bitwise AND operation.
  int result = 5 & 3; // result = 1

- OR (|):

Performs a bitwise OR operation.
  int result = 5 | 3; // result = 7

- XOR (^):

Performs a bitwise XOR operation.
  int result = 5 ^ 3; // result = 6

- Complement (~):

Inverts all the bits.
  int result = ~5; // result = -6

- Left Shift (<<):

Shifts bits to the left, filling with zeros.
  int result = 5 << 1; // result = 10

- Right Shift (>>):

Shifts bits to the right, filling with the sign bit.
  int result = 5 >> 1; // result = 2

- Unsigned Right Shift (>>>):

Shifts bits to the right, filling with zeros.
  int result = 5 >>> 1; // result = 2

 4.6 Conditional Operator

The conditional operator, also known as the ternary operator, is a shorthand way of writing an `if-else` statement.

- Syntax:

 `condition ? expression1 : expression2`
  int result = (5 > 3) ? 10 : 20; // result = 10

4.7 instanceof Operator

The `instanceof` operator is used to test whether an object is an instance of a specific class or subclass.

- Syntax:

`object instanceof class`
  String str = "Hello";
  boolean result = str instanceof String; // true


Operators are fundamental in Java programming, providing the means to perform a variety of operations on variables and values. Mastering these operators is essential for writing concise and efficient code. This chapter covered the essential operators, laying a strong foundation for more advanced Java programming concepts.

